The Mommy Jingles Musical Parenting Program includes:

Quick, fun and easy ways to use music to calm, connect and communicate with your baby, toddler and preschooler.

Here is what you get:

8 video modules with musical cues for daily activities.

  • Baby Games
  • Transitions
  • Waking Up and Getting Dressed
  • In the Car (Fun on the Run)
  • Mealtime
  • Bathtime
  • Bedtime
  • Challenging Times

These videos will show you how to turn what you are already doing into fun, learning experiences. Mix and match to fit your family and build your own parenting style.

Each module is supported with a listening center so you can focus on the jingles you want to use. Downloadable lyrics sheets and reminder cards help you learn; even when you're completely exhausted.

… the whole program is only $47

And you are never at any risk whatsoever!

In fact…

I GUARANTEE your total satisfaction

and your SUCCESS…

These lessons are so simple to follow … these tactics so easy to implement … and the songs so effective in getting through to your child, and producing instant and long-lasting results…

Simply stated, you WILL notice dramatic improvements in the way your child behaves.

My goal with this course is that it overwhelmingly exceeds your expectations and provides you real, tangible, LASTING value.

And I also want you to have plenty of opportunity to prove to yourself just how amazing your kids – and your relationship with them – can be … with just a little effort, and help from “Mommy Jingles”. So here’s what I’d like you to do:

Take a FULL MONTH – 30 days

…to decide this course is worth every penny to you. Use the principles and strategies contained in “Mommy Jingles” during that time, along with the songs themselves…

And if you’re not thoroughly satisfied – for any reason or none at all…

If you’re not positively THRILLED with the noticeable improvement in your child’s mood, behavior, and cooperation…

If you don’t feel this program has been an absolute godsend for your entire family…

Then I want you to let me know … and I will personally and cheerfully refund every penny you paid for the course. PLUS … you get to keep all materials and bonuses you’ve received up to that point! Total cost to you: not one red cent.

That’s my iron-clad, no-hassle, cross-my-heart-and-pinky-swear PROMISE to you!

I’m sure you can agree: $47.00 is a small amount to invest in a happy, harmonious home … especially knowing you’re always protected by my 30-day money-back guarantee of your satisfaction and success.

Here is my private wish for you and your child

I have a dream that your child will be given the best start possible, and that you could be encouraged to get any new skills you might need to make your transition into parenting easier.

My dream is that all your children will grow to be creators, not just consumers … because they will have had a model to follow in their parents.

I have a dream that you will embrace being your own child’s best teacher … and you would invest in greater parental skill-building, instead of in mere “entertainment technology” (like video games) or programs “outside your home”.

And perhaps most of all, I dream that yours can be a happy, singing family … because those are the families who will change the world … one child at a time.

It just makes sense…

Let me close by saying:

You are ALWAYS communicating. So doesn’t it just make sense to communicate with your child in a way that is well-proven to get through to them effectively, quickly, and lastingly … to get the results you want rather than inadvertently compounding the problem – proven daily by the real experts:

Parents like you!

I sincerely hope you’ll give “Mommy Jingles” a chance to prove itself in your home … in the car … at the park, and the mall, and anywhere else you used to encounter stressful situations with your child.

…starting today.

Your child will grow up knowing … they’re one of the lucky ones.

Love and hugs,



P.S. – Perhaps the magic of using Mommy Jingles is best summed up this way:

You just might end up having

the relationship with your child that you’ve always dreamed of…

P.P.S – Remember, you have only a very limited time to claim your FAST-ACTION Lullaby and Goodnight BONUS package– which includes My entire Lullaby and Goodnight album (33 songs), a lyrics book with lyrics to all the lullabies and a mini course on how to use those songs with your baby to help them develop. Please don’t delay another moment.

And there’s never any risk to you (it’s all on MY shoulders) because you’re fully protected by my Month-long 100% Money-Back Mommy Jingles Satisfaction Guarantee! (Remember – if you’re not happy for ANY reason, I’ll refund every penny you’ve paid … and you even get to keep any materials and gifts you’ve received to that time.)


BONUS 1: Lullaby and Goodnight

Get Downloadable MP3s of all 33 Songs from my award winning lullaby album.


A Complete Downloadable Lyrics Book for all of the lullabies on the Lullaby and Goodnight Album.

BONUS 3: Video

The Lullaby and Goodnight Video Mini Course. How to optimize your child's sonic environment, how your child learns and how to use Lullaby and Goodnight to calm and connect with your baby.

Dr. Susan Sheridan


Get my interview with Dr. Susan Sheridan, the author of Handmade Marks, on the importance of mark making in early childhood. This interview is full of ideas on how to set your child up for success!

Is tooth brushing this much fun in your house?

It can be with Mommy Jingles!

Join me!

Hi, I’m Amy Robbins-Wilson and I am passionate about helping new parents bond with their children using music. Our journey with our son started in the NICU and when we had to do tests for brain activity, I knew that I needed to find ways to build my son's brain and help his development any way I could. I pulled out all my tools as a musician and expressive arts therapist and created Mommy Jingles. Singing helped both my baby and me through those first years when parenting can feel overwhelming. My dream is to make parenting less stressful and more fun for you and your child. Join me!

Amy Robbins-Wilson holds a BA in Empowerment Theater for Women from Bates College, a MA in Expressive Arts Therapies from Lesley University and a MA in Ritual Song and Chant Performance from The World Academy of Music and Dance in Limerick, Ireland.

Amy is the author of the Mom’s Choice Award Winning book Transformational Mothering – A Prayerful Companion for New Mothers, transcriptionist of The Diary of Josephine Knight and creator of four solo albums of music: Circling, The Divine Hours of Motherhood (also awarded a Mom’s Choice Award), Lullaby and Goodnight (winner of the Kids Music Award) and Angel Baby Lullabies for those who have lost a child.

Her lullaby Angels Watch Over My Baby was licensed by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for a national fundraising campaign and she was recognized for her scholarship, leadership and public service by the Harry S. Truman Award. Her experiences as a NICU mom have made her a passionate supporter of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. She is thrilled that Johns Hopkins Hospital licensed her lullabies to use in their NICU.

She makes her home with her husband, Tim and their son, Clayton.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Baby Games
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Transition Times
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Waking up and Getting Dressed
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Getting Ready and Going Out
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Bath Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for the Kitchen and Mealtime
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Challenging Times
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Jingles for Bedtime
Available in days
days after you enroll
  A Message for NICU Parents
Available in days
days after you enroll
  You Rock! Thank you!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Select a pricing plan and sign up


Listen to what Susan Sheridan, PhD in Education, has to say about the Mommy Jingles program.

Here are just a few of the comments I hear from excited parents.

“You have a great way of communicating from the heart the work of parenting and the simple benefits of music and song. I loved hearing it and, while I always love to sing, it’s given me renewed inspiration to sing through the periodic rants of our sweet three year old.”

Best to you and yours

- Prentice (father of 3)


“Mommy Jingles has made such a difference for us! My 2-year-old now allows her teeth to be brushed with no protest. She even looks forward to it! I highly recommend this for any parent of an infant or toddler.”

- Jennifer


“There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING like ‘Mommy Jingles’ offered anywhere. (Trust me, I’ve looked around). Sure, there are lots of resources out there meant to help moms gently parent their children through song, but Amy’s course offers so much more than just the songs.

Her approach, her suggestions, her tips and tricks, as well as the video that guides you through each lesson is so well put together, memorable, and most of all PRACTICAL.

Although my daughter was already 18 months old when I started, I was STILL able to use about 70% of the material Amy presents. This course is well worth the small monetary and time investment.

Thank you Amy. You’ve helped me reframe how I interact with my daughter during those more trying aspects of our day: teeth brushing, getting dressed, getting into the car seat, etc. You are a blessing to peaceful parenting!”

- anonymous


Listen to what a new mom has to say about Mommy Jingles...

I can't wait to hear how musical parenting helps you and your family!

Hugs to you!
